Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Better start blogging again

...before I stop entirely heh. It's been a solid month since the last entry, and quite a few things have happened between then and now.

Firstly, Bangkok!

Left for BKK the next morning after my last paper, spent a grand total of 4 full days there with the gf. We had a ball of a time shopping and shopping and shopping! Stuff there was really cheap (except the imported stuff), which made it that more satisfying to buy stuff :) We walked essentially the entire morning to evening, went back to the hotel to rest our aching feet, and went out in the evening again to the night market (on two of the four nights anyway). We eventually amassed quite a mountain of stuff between us, and actually managed to lug everything back. Our luggage was severely UNDER the weight limit, which was a real waste, cos I would've liked to bring back more food!! Oh well, next time!

Toys-wise, they're generally more expensive than anything we get here, which I guess is expected. Despite all the news I hear about Thais being huge Toku fans, I only found three or four shops selling toku and stuff on the third day, and more expensive than what I could get back home. Did manage to pick up SH Zanki for cheap tho, which was great since I was looking for it for awhile.

Second, We Will Rock You!

Well, it rocked! We got seats three rows from the front, off to the side, which gave us wondrous views of gyrating, taut bodies singing the best from Queen. The downside was that we almost went deaf, cos the speakers were more or less in front of us : But it was entirely worth it when it got to the last 20 minutes of the show, cos it became a real rock concert! Excellent experience and musical that I recommend to anyone who's familiar with Queen's music, and even if you're not, you will be shaking to the tunes anyway!

Thirdly, the TRU sale :)

Decided to go early to the TRU sale on the member's preview. Ended up as the tenth or so person, not too bad. Saw some huge boxes of Zoids, so I was crossing my fingers to get those, butttt the first guy swooped those up :\ No worries! I immediately went for the KR stuff, grabbing the lone Kaixa belt, Denliner Ikajichi (Gun form) and SIC Doras and ZO, before making another round to and realising there was a Faiz belt as well! And as I picked THAT up, a whole pile of treasure was below that: Kaixa Blaygun and DX DenLiner (!!!). Eventually picked up a Kaixa Pointer and Shot, as well as the last Faiz Shot. All the above for only $85! The prices were seriously amazing, especially for the Denliners, really surprised to find them there :)

To log down my other purchases for the last month:

SH Figuarts Rider No.1
SH Figuarts Rider No.2
SH Figuarts Rider V3
SH Kiva

Stealth Bumblebee (my like, seventh '08 : )
BWX Tigatron (Cheap!)
Henkei Astrotrain

Baenetnasch Eta Mime

Mugenbine Powerful Tyranno Clear Red Version
Guitar Hero guitar (fun as heck!)

Whew, I'm about caught up for the month, til the next post!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Almost near the end~

Yup, finally got done with the project I was really anxious about, don't think it went too well, but I'm just glad it's over. The week's been pretty crazy with all the preparation, late nights and early mornings.

Anyway, the Falcon's brought in the limited Chevy Aveo Swerve figure! And bundled it with some sweet packages to boot! Got myself the Screenbattles (Final Stand & Capture of BB) sets with Swerve for $100, a really good deal! It means that I now have SIX versions of the Camaro 08' mold, count them:

Hasbro (Opened)
TakTomy (Carded)
TakTomy (Loose)
Battle Damaged (Loose)
Screen Battles

And there's TWO MORE coming out!!! Argghhhhh. Whoever said the Camaro mold was hard to get obviously wasn't looking hard enough :

Also picked up Microman RyuJinO ($14.90) finally completing the three of them, and picked up Myth Cloth Thanatos ($80) today as well. Thanatos' box is HUGE. Seriously! Spotted some slightly paint problems here and there but I guess no set's perfect. Wonder if I'll ever open him :[

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Can't wait for it all to end

Been heck busy the past two weeks, with everything coming to a head in the last few weeks of school. It's getting more and more tiring as the weeks go by to work on project after project, and to keep thinking how it's all gonna affect the ol' jee-pee-ehh. Sigh.

Anyway, I somehow found time to pick up some stuff over the past 1+ week:

Microman Ryugano - $14.90
SIC 40. Agito and Machine Tornader - $100
Movie Deluxe Black Arcee - $30

Andddd I actually broke down and got the DX Den-O Belt ($50)! Really good price, and I had been tempted to pick it up for so long, plus I felt kinda shitty after a meeting on a Sunday, so buying it made me feel somewhat better.

Oh well.

Three more weeks, and then Bangkok. Can't wait for it all to end.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

JL: +1; Wallet: -$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

And yay, JL had a 20%+20% sale AGAIN! Just over a month from the last one, which caused me some serious damage :

Anyway, this meant a good time to pick up some LEGO sets again, went down on the first day, and picked up MM Recon Dropship ($49.55 after all discounts from $81.50) and after much consideration, I also picked up Exo-Force 8107 Fight for the Golden Tower ($61.96 down from $101.90). Was pretty pissed that I just picked up the Armored Drilling Unit last week from Carrefour (where I saw Becky filming at Suntec, most coincidental meeting ever considering I don't see her in school AT ALL), so I got a set from JL, and returned it to Carrefour, saving me QUITE a bit! ($54.66 from $89.90).

Also did the same for Combat Crawler X2 today, which I bought for the full blown price of $69.90. Thank goodness I had the receipt still, so I got it for $42.50 instead, a very substantial saving if I don't say so myself : ) Picked up a spare Cyclone Defender, since it was only $10 after all the discounts, and FINALLY decided to pick up the Golden Guardian ($46.90) after dunno HOW long. A bit scared they clear it from the shelves soon, cos it's been out for awhile.

Well, time to start saving for Bangkok!

Monday, March 17, 2008


Got a whole lot of stuff on Saturday! Had arranged to go down to Falcon's with G, with the intention of picking up the Henkei Leaders, but totally didn't expect the new Revoltechs to be in as well! So I ended up collecting Henkei C-01 Convoy ($43) and Revoltechs Hot Rodimus and Starscream ($25 each). I went down to Suntec to kill time before the trip to Falcon's, and saw to my surprise (and slight horror), that the Mars Mission MT-101 Armoured Drilling Unit had a further 20% off at Carrefour!!! Just as I was really tempted to pick it up too, but even then, at $70 it was still a big buy, so I resisted and didn't pick it up.

Butttt I went back after the Falcon trip and got it anyway (Mars Mission MT-101 Armoured Drilling Unit, $71.90) : So much for self-control heh. Anyway, the set is REALLY good, the build was fun, and the final product, quite amazing! The beast is huge, and I really like the way the other components hook up to the main body.

I also picked up the two tiny MM sets today, the Mini robot and Alien Jet sets ($5.50 each), very cute, but without any of the bigger sets, don't really serve a purpose. Will see if I can do anything else with the pieces :)

In other news, going to Bangkok for a much needed break after the exams! Everything's booked, just need to research on good shopping places and all : ) Can't wait for the term to end!

Friday, March 14, 2008


What am I impressed with??

The LEGO Company :)

Let me explain: last month I bought the Mobile Devastator. When I opened it up, the sticker sheet was very badly crushed, and one of the stickers was missing! Sucks! So I went to the LEGO website to put in for a replacement set of stickers. I wasn't sure if it would work though, cos on submitting the form, it said that they don't serve Singapore, so hey. Anyway, I also called the local branch office to request for the stickers, and was told they'd get it in for me, but it would take about 6 weeks. Oh well, better than nothing I guess.

An d LO AND BEHOLD, today, about 4 weeks after I put in the request online, I got a letter from LEGO! Direct from the HQ in UK! Inside was an addressed letter apologising for the problem, and a brand new sticker set! I am very, VERY impressed and grateful! It isn't easy to keep up with all the requests i'm sure, especially when it's from across the globe! That makes it all the more amazing! Their dedication to service excellence really shows :) Left them a compliment on the website to tell them so. Keep it up guys! And thanks!

Ok, in purchasing news, let's see, I picked up Mugenbine Chase Dober ($24.95) from Robinson's on Wednesday, as long as Bionicle Mutran and Vican ($20.90) from the LEGO roadshow in AMKHub. I had a $10 voucher to use at the fair (min. $60 sepnding), so I was looking for something else to bolster the purchase. I considered getting another Fire Vulture (which I probably will eventually) and another Iron Condor, which I honestly wasn't too keen on doing, cos what's the point of having repeat sets right? I'd rather build something new! So I pondered the smaller Aqua Raiders sets. Really cute, but then I'd be tempted to get the entire set (which is conveniently on discount now), and the theme didn't appeal to me all that much. So after browsing a bit more, I settled for the new Mars Mission MX-41 Switch Fighter ($39.90 after 20%) which looked extremely cool cos it transformed and came with an alien ship as well. And damn. I think I'm hooked :

Today, I went by OG, and saw a HUGE stash of TF deluxes in the store. This stash had a good number of '08 Bees, which was slightly surprising, and more surprisingly, the "Wal-Mart exclusive" Cybertron repaints! Big Daddy! (picked him up, got 10% off thanks to a kind lady :) Didn't look at the rest, but not too interested anyway.

I find it hilarious how US exclusives always end up on regular shelves here in abundance :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

A quick post, cos I should be studying : |

Just a quick update, got the pair of Appendix (Leo and Aries Mu, $50 for the pair) on thursday, got myself a new Bagman bag ($60) as well during the IT show, since I'm kinda wearing my old out quite a bit.

Went down to CSC to have a look see as well today, picked up the set of KR HD-S Series 2 ($30) which I was looking for and finally decided to buy today. SH Figure Arts V3 and Ichigo aren't in yet :\

Ok, back to work!