Thursday, January 31, 2008

First TF Movie Figure on Sale!

As the title reads, Leader Brawl has officially become the first TF Movie figure to go on clearance! Happened to chance upon it in TRU Tampines, was there at the right time I suppose! He was going for HALF the price at $49.90! My patience in holding out on the figure finally paid off heh : )

Leader Brawl is a much better figure than the deluxe one, they should have done this one in the first place. The mold fleshes out a lot better at this scale, and looks a lot more menacing, a huge mechanical monster ala the movie. He's big, ratchety, and NOISY. Pressing the main gun cannon gives off a firing sound and lights, while rotating the secondary turret left or right produces chain gun firing sounds and lights until you straighten it again. Transformation's complex enough, but the sides of the tank are a bitch to fit together cos the arms have to be JUST right :

Still, recommended! Especially at that price =D

Also picked up one component of the Mugenbine repaint ($6) I've been hunting down recently, it seems like all the Comic Connections have cleared out of them. I should've just gotten them when they first came out last year : \

Saturday, January 26, 2008

20% Storewide Sales: Gotta Love 'Em.

Metro had a storewide 20% off today, which I saw them putting up signs for LAST NIGHT, meaning I had to come back today : \

But it was worth it I must say! The sale extended to yellow tag items too, meaning they had a further discount of the already discounted price! So I picked up Exo Force Blade Titan ($30.50 less 20%) which I have been meaning to get for awhile, and Bionicle Gadunka ($29.90 less 20%). Also picked up a Robot Heroes Decepticon Sneak Atack 5 set for FW, I just love converting pple to TFs =D

I also went down to JL Marina yesterday to check out the sale, and picked up a spare SH Blade King Form ($14.95 with a further 20%: ), it's a cool set, and since it was $12, I thought what the heck. Heh.

And yes, my post about Incinerator and the Allspark cube on TFWorld 2005 was front paged, whoot! Only my fifth post there too! Glad the folks there appreciated the pics : )

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A trip to the Hangar

Made my way down to Falcon's today after a really long time! Roy gave me some tips on studying for accounting mods after I told him how I was screwed by them (as usual) last term, which were really helpful! Reminds me why I feel so at home there : )

Anyway, picked up my SIC Kuuga Rising Form ($55) which has been sitting there for a long time, Galactic Heroes Luke and R2 ($5) (which I missed during the Falcon's sale) as well as Incinerator ($50)! Didn't know it'd be out so soon, and surprise surpsrise, the TakTomy Allspark figures come with a small Allspark cube! (Seen below in the hands of Landmine)

Fits into the palm of your hand!

Really cute little addition to the series, and a welcome one at that. Now to find a minature figure to feed the cube to Megatron's chest >: )

Pic of Incinerator

Apparently Allspark Stockade is out at TRU, shall have a look soon.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Major shopping

Went back to Taka on Sunday while the additional 10% discount was still on, decided to pick up Cross Bisar ($29.95 less 10%) and Gyro Bisar ($14.95 less 10%). Cross Bisar is really not bad, but the arms drop off WAY too easily in Bisar mode. Gyro Bisar is not too bad, but the Bisar mode is rather stiff cos the leg armour isn't very poseable.

Headed down to CSC after that, for the first time in months! Was intending to pick up SH Den-O Plat Form and Momotaros ($40), which I did, and I saw a great deal for the SS Myth Cloth Black Display Stands ($15), so I got one! While looking around CSC I also checked out the prices for the Myth cloth I don't have, will slowly pick them up. Amazingly, Zeta Mizar is disappearing :

Quite a bit of damage that one day, eeps, but it's been a while since I got stuff from CSC. So well : )

In other news, saw pics of the upcoming Go-Onger Minipla kits, looking good! The design motiff (the eyes, the eyes!!!) really boggle me, takes getting used to seriously. But hey, combining vehicles always rock : )

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day of wandering around Orchard

Went down to have a look see at Orchard after school, as well as getting Pa's HP serviced by Nokia. I think I spent the longest time in Wheelock Place ever today, and not because of the Nokia Care Centre.

Anyway, Taka's having an additional 10% discount for Taka Credit Card members, so I of course had to have look. There were MANY things that I would have liked to buy, but had to restrain myself, simply because I didn't really need them. Like the Ryukendo Delta Shadow. Various TF repaints. Mugenbine. Den-O TRU 5 Armors Set. Hmm.

I DID pick up the last of the main team of the Amdrivers, Ragna ($12.50 less 10%). Been thinking of getting it for a long time ever since they slashed the prices, and with an additional 10% today, why not? I really wonder why Amdrivers didn't take off in Japan. The figures were very cool, the Bisars had nice transformations and looked good. But I have to admit, the anime sucked. And maybe that's why it failed : \

Wandered along the rest of town, heading down to the Nokia shop as mentioned, spending an inordinate amount of time in Wheelock, went down the new Orchard MRT entrance (pretty!), wandered around Popular (which is closing down), contemplated going home but decided to walk to Paragon to check out Metro and TRU. Was hoping to find some Exo-Force stuff on discount, but no such luck, so headed to Robinsons. And while at Robinsons, my phone buzzed.


Shite, totally slipped my mind to re-bid for BP. Panicked for a bit but I went to get the Exo-Force mini-fig magnet set for only $6.45 (half price!) before finding a seat in McDs, and logging on using Wireless@SG. It's times like these where I'm super gratefully that the Govt decided to set up the network. Note to self: NEVER do anything important via Wireless@SG, or at least leave more than 15 mins to deadline to do it.

Then FINALLY I went home. Shoulder was dying by then from the bag and laptop. Ouch.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Advent! Den-O Wing Form!

Whoot, managed to get Souchaku Henshin Wing Form ($45)! I was pretty dismayed when it was anounced that SH Wing Form would be a Yahoo! Japan Limited edition, which pretty much meant that I had almost no chance of getting it. So imagine my horror when I realised that Mikelz did a pre-order for it AND I MISSED THE DEADLINE.

I immediately mailed Mike explaining the oversight and whether there were any pieces left for me. While he didn't have any on hand, it was really great of him to order another piece for me! So! I finally have it in my hand! Thanks Mike!

Wing Form is a Yahoo! Japan X Bandai Limited figure, and like most Bandai mail order pieces, it comes packed in a brown corrugated box, like the SS Myth Cloth mail-away specials. A pre-order was done on Yahoo! Japan, and the item was only released in end December. Being a more unique form of Den-O's his gold and white really makes him stand out from the majority black of the other forms. The base body is the same as the other SH Den-O figures. The main differences in the set would be the shoulder pieces, which are larger, his henshin belt buckle, his dual weapons and of course, his face mask.

A very nice piece which definitely makes a great addition if you're collecting the SH Den-O figures!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Robot Heroes Wave 2 complete!

BHG Bishan had a huge restock (relative to what most toy sections get in terms of TFs these days), which included the Allspark Wave 2 Deluxes, and both waves of the Movie Series Robot Heroes. SO, I picked up the last RH I was missing from Wave 2: Ironhide Vs Bonecrusher.

I must admit that the RH interpretation of the robots IS kinda wierd, and none more so represented than by IH and BC. Ironhide's head is alright I suppose, although they made a wierd sculpting choice to simply place flat plates for the side of his head. Bonecrusher on the other hand: WAY off from the movie design. His head's sculpted with a sort of bull look going for it, which can be seen by the card drawing of him. Really strange design decision, but hey, they're cute as hell, so what the heck.

All caught up with the Robot Heroes now, now to wait for the next wave of G1 and BW figures to arrive. In maybe June.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Another edition to the Exo-Force family!

Finally picked up the lone Aero Booster that was sitting on the shelves of JL Marina for the longest time last Saturday! Was intending to pick it up with the vouchers I had, but lo and behold! It was the last day for a storewide 20% discount for cardmembers! The luck! The gf also picked up Iron Condor from Robinson's for me, nicely discounted at $20.90 : )

I must say the set is really good, build time probably about under two hours? Satisfying build none the less. I'm getting hooked on these big LEGO sets heh. The small mech really is a repaint/variant of the Cyclone Defender, pretty cool! I like the way the whole set comes together, it just looks... satisfying : )

Still have the Iron Condor and Sky Guardian to build, gonna take my time to get to them, don't wanna run out too fast, especially since the 2008 sets don't look like their coming anytime soon.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

First Purchase for 2008!

And we hit 2008 at last! To "celebrate", here's my purchase on the first day of the new year : )

Toa Mahri Hewkii (Yellow one) - $18 from Metro SK

Decided to pick him up since he's been disappearing from the shelves : Glad to get him at discount though! LEGO's so overpriced here in SG :\

Last Purchases for 2007 : )

Rounding up 2007's purchases with the following items bought in the last week of December 2007!

Movie Deluxe Allspark Landmine

LEGO Exo-Force
7707 Striking Venom - $49.90 from Robinsons!
7721 Combat Crawler X2 - $69.90 from JL Marina
8100 Cyclone Defender - $12.50 from TRU's Maniac Monday sale!
8101 Claw Crusher - $12.50 from TRU's Maniac Monday sale!

8103 Sky Guardian - $24.40 from Metro SK